Task 7.2: Rapid diagnostics

  1. make an inventory of “ in house or commercial” rapid diagnostic tests for detection of pathogens with epidemic potential for each of the target syndromes. Develop de-novo assays based on findings from Task 7.3.;
  2. develop multiplex detection methods for rapid evaluation of the most common endemic and epidemic diseases in each of the syndromes on homogenous platforms such as Biocartis Idylla and DMAT;
  3. IdyllaPOCT devices will be provided to the clinical centres participating in WP4. The PREPARE laboratory facility will validate the results of those POCTs by countertesting in a standard laboratory setting;
  4. perform exhaustive aetiologic diagnosis on the WP3 samples using state-of-the-art technology developed through WP7 and through other EU-funded projects (EMPERIE, PREDEMICS, ANTIGONE, RAPP-ID).

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Herman Goossens


Deputy Coordinator:

Menno de Jong




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