ISARIC: International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium - is a global initiative gathering over 70 networks and individuals involved in research related to the outbreaks of diseases such as bird flu (H5N1), swine flu (H1N1) and SARS. With an overreaching ambition to change the way in which research is carried out during and between epidemics, ISARIC aims to address the social and ethical issues related to this paradigm change.
EMPERIE: European Management Platform for Emerging and (Re-)emerging Infectious diseases Entities. EMPERE is an FP7 project that aims to effectively counter the potential public health threat caused by new and emerging infectious diseases in Europe by establishing a powerful network capable of structural and systematic prediction, identification, modelling and surveillance of infectious diseases health threats and pathogens.
ANTIGONE: ANTIcipating the Global Onset of Novel Epidemics. The ANTIGONE program aims to determine the factors involved in the threat posed by pathogens originating in the animal world. The teams involved are particularly interested in the mechanisms by which viruses and bacteria cross the species barrier and spread to humans. The results of this knowledge will improve our ability to predict potential human pandemics of zoonotic origin and to develop timely preventive measures.
PREDEMICS: PREDEMICS is studying four types of viruses from the animal reservoir that have a high potential for human transmission in Europe (influenza, hepatitis E, rabies, Japanese encephalitis and associated flaviviruses). Its primary objective is to reinforce our understanding of the complex mechanisms governing hostvirus relationships and define the major stages in disease emergence in order to improve the prevention strategies to be put in place.